OSHA’s Beat the Heat Contest to Further Temperature Hazard Prevention

Every year companies face challenges during the summer related directly to temperature and heat based injuries, with dozens of employees facing death and severe heat related illnesses every year in the United States. Just last year there were almost 2,000 reported injuries and illnesses related to environmental heat. States in the southwestern United States often face average summer temperatures well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, subjecting construction and other outdoor industries to dangerous conditions. 

Employers all over the country have already started preparing for the start of summer, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has developed several educational resources, regulations, and aids to enhance employee safety. Some techniques OSHA has used to help prevent employee related heat injuries while at work include crafting temperature-illness prevention plans, teaching materials, and ensuring workers have access to things like shade and water. This year OSHA has also launched a ‘Beat the Heat’ contest to incentivize and reward industries taking the necessary steps to prevent employee injuries. 

The ‘Beat the Heat’ Contest

The ‘Beat the Heat’ Contest was started by OSHA this year to uncover more resources and further raise awareness of the risks employees and employers will face this summer. For the contest employers will submit any tools and resources they are implementing to contribute to employee education and work safety regarding heat hazards. The purpose of the contents is industry and public awareness related to the dangers of excessive heat exposure, and to motivate all entities to prevent heat illnesses from occurring. 

A panel of OSHA and federal agency workers will form a judgment panel to decide on a winner of the contest. All members of the panel will have some expertise in relevant heat related subject matter and judge based on the how well the submissions:

  • Identify heat risk to workers

  • Provide informative messages

  • Utilize creative communication methods

  • Create engagement with employers, employees, and relevant stakeholders to work together forming effective communications concerning the hazardous risks of heat exposure in the workplace. 

  • Apply effective communication and message strategies to be accessible and easily understood by all workers, employers, and relevant stakeholders. 

  • Consider the geographic significance of the employment industry sector

Award Categories will include:

  • Most Innovative

  • Most Creative

  • Boldest Message

  • Best Non-English Submission

  • Highlighting Indoor Heat Hazards

  • Highlighting Young Workers

The employee industries will have until June 9, 2023 to submit their entries into the contest, and winners will be determined shortly thereafter. 

Heat-Illness Resources and Education

Heat stress is one of the most commonly reported injuries by workers exposed to extreme heat conditions on the job. Heat stress can result in a variety of complications including heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat rashes. High temperatures can also increase the risk of workplace accidents by causing sweaty palms, foggy protective eyewear, and disorientation. Another commonly reported injury is a variety of surface burns from the sun, and from contact with metal surfaces left in direct sunlight. 

Many workers and industries have exposed areas of risk when discussing heat related illnesses and injury. Workers at risk of heat stress include industries that contact the outdoors including hot environments including firefighters, bakeries, farmers, construction workers, miners, boiler room technicians, factory employees, and many others. 

These workers are at a much higher risk when they are overweight, over the age of 65, have heart disease, have high blood pressure, or take medications that may be affected by extreme heat exposure. 

Types of Heat Related Illnesses 

  • Heat Stroke

    • The most serious heat-related illness that occurs when the body can no longer control its temperature. The body’s temperature will continue to rise until the sweating mechanism fails and the body is unable to cool down, causing permanent disability or death if the person is left untreated. 

  • Heat Exhaustion

    • The body’s response to excessive loss of water and salt, most likely through excessive sweating. This will most commonly affect the elderly and people with underlying health conditions that are working in hot environments. 

  • Rhabdomyolysis

    • A medical condition associated with heat stress and prolonged physical exertion in high temperatures. Rhabdo causes the rapid breakdown of and death of muscle releasing large quantities of electrolytes and protein into the bloodstream. This condition can result in irregular heart rhythms, seizures, and kidney damage.

  • Heat Syncope

    • A fainting episode or unusual dizziness often associated with standing too long or sudden elevation changes of the head above the body. Factors that can exacerbate this condition are dehydration and lack of acclimatization. 

  • Heat Cramps

    • Usually affect individuals who often sweat profusely during physical exertion or strenuous activity. Sweating depletes the body’s salt and moisture levels creating painful muscle cramps, also an indication of the early stages of heat exhaustion.

  • Heat Rash

    • A skin irritation caused by excessive sweating during high temperatures and humid conditions. 

All of these conditions should be completely addressed by employer heat prevention plans, and all employees should be fully educated about the risks and early symptom signs related to each heat related illness. 

Heat-Illness Prevention Methods

Planning and supervision are two factors that can significantly reduce heat related illness and injury to employees while at work. Employers should develop a written plan to prevent heat-illnesses from happening so employees have the highest level of safety and awareness.

Prevention Plans should include:

  • Who will provide daily oversight?

  • How will new workers develop heat tolerance?

  • Temporary workers may be more susceptible to heat and require closer supervision.

  • Workers returning from leave  (more than two weeks) may be at increased risk.

  • How will the employer ensure first aid is adequate and the protocol for summoning medical assistance in situations beyond first-aid is effective?

  • How will heat stress be measured?

  • How to respond to the National Weather Service’ heat advisories?

  • How to determine if the total heat stress is hazardous?

  • What training will be provided to workers and supervisors?

Heat conditions can change rapidly and must require day-to-day supervision to ensure all the policies and prevention plans effectively do their job to benefit employees. Supervisory individuals at a work site should be responsible for constantly monitoring and implementing employer heat plans as conditions change throughout the day, and ideally the individual should also be on site where the workers are. 

Science Closer Than Ever to an HIV Cure

Scientists have confirmed that a 5th person has recently been cured from HIV. This patient joins an incredibly small group of people who have participated in treatments that have effectively eliminated HIV from their systems. Experts agree there is still a plethora of work and trials that need to take place before effective forms of large scale distribution can be applied to the more than 30 million people currently living with the disease. 

The news of another person cured from HIV brings hope to infected patients around the world, and suggests we are one step closer to finding a global cure. HIV has been studied rigorously over the past 50 years, leading to various methods to treat and manage symptoms of the disease, significantly extending patient’s lives and preventing pier-to-pier transmission. Much of the current treatment is focused primarily on reducing active viral loads found in a patient’s blood, and preventing HIV from advancing into its life threatening form as AIDS. 

As people afflicted with the disease are able to live longer and prevent further transmission, scientists are able to continue studying the harmful disease, searching for a global solution. More patient trials are scheduled to take place throughout the remainder of this decade as technology and new understanding of how to control the disease continue to advance bringing us one step closer towards a cure.  

History of HIV

HIV, otherwise known as the human immunodeficiency virus, attacks a person’s immune system increasing their likelihood of succumbing to other opportunistic infections and serious illness, effectively killing them. The disease is a lifelong affliction and can be easily transmitted through contact with the bodily fluids of another infected person. 

After contracting HIV a person may experience flu-like symptoms that gradually progress through the three stages of the disease before becoming life threatening. 

  • Stage 1 Acute HIV Infection:

    • Patient’s have a large quantity of HIV in their blood and are extremely contagious. 

    • Patient’s exhibit many persistent flu-like symptoms like fever, sore throat, swollen glands, rash, muscle aches, fatigue. Etc.

  • Stage 2 Chronic HIV Infection:

    • The asymptomatic HIV infection stage where the disease is still active and producing within the body, but patients will likely not exhibit any symptoms. 

    • Without treatment, the stage may continue for a decade or longer.

  • Stage 3 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

    • The most severe and life threatening stage of HIV infection.

    • Patient’s have high viral load and can easily transmit the disease.

    • Patient’s exhibit badly damaged immune systems exposing them to various opportunistic diseases and illnesses. 

    • Without HIV treatment, people with AIDS typically only live up to three years after progressing to this stage. 

An HIV diagnosis is not life threatening with adequate treatment, however it is almost always fatal if the disease is left untreated and it advances into its later Stage 3 form as AIDs. There is no cure for HIV or AIDS, however doctors have developed significant advancements in medicine usage to effectively treat the symptoms of HIV, prevent its transmission, and extend the lives of infected people. 

There are currently 38.4 million people living with HIV, all who rely on the aid of modern medicines to remain alive. The disease has been dated back to the early 1800s, thought to originate from an interspecies transmission between chimpanzees and humans.The ape virus origins is thought to have entered human populations after hunters came into contact with the infected meat of a population of chimpanzees in Africa. Over the decades following the initial transfer, the disease spread across Africa and into the rest of the world spreading to the United States of America in the mid to late 1970s. 

How Stem Cells Cured HIV

The first patient ever cured from HIV was a German patient named Timothy Ray Brown in 2009. Timothy Brown was first infected with HIV in 1995 as a student in Berlin, where he successfully controlled his viral loads using medication. However his health took a significant turn for the worse in 2006 after he was diagnosed with leukemia. He was forced to undergo several operations, including a bone marrow transplant using stem cells.

Due to his positive HIV diagnosis, the doctors operated the allogeneic stem cell transplant using stem cells from a donor with the CCR5 gene mutilation which made them resistant to HIV infections. 

Mr. Brown was forced to halt his HIV medications when starting the stem cell treatment, although he continued to get tested for signs of HIV. As doctor’s continued to monitor him, they were unable to find any signs of HIV in his blood or body for the next three years after his transplant. Additional studies were also able to identify decreases in HIV specific blood antibodies indicating the elimination of functional HIV from his system. 

After presenting his patient case at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections additional patients continued to be cured using the same methods.The other cured patients all underwent similar stem cell therapies to combat various forms of blood cancers. This method of treatment is not realistic over large scales because the human stem cell donors that bear the crucial CCR5 HIV resistant genetic mutation only account for approximately 1% of the global population, and stem cell transplantation is an extreme treatment with a myriad of associated risks.

Working Towards an HIV Cure

HIV is an incredibly complex virus that persistently spreads throughout a person’s body once infected. The disease can exhibit periods of latency while continuing to spread through cells in the body, even while under the medication of antiretrovirals (ARV). The main problem for scientists working towards a cure is finding a way to uncover and specifically target these hidden HIV cells that can unfortunately be reanimated if a patient stops using their medications, leading to reinfection.

The first step scientists are exploring on the road to a cure is to influence the hidden HIV cells to produce recognizable HIV proteins that medicine and the body can identify. Once the cells harboring the HIV are identified, specific drugs may be used to tag these cells for the immune system to exterminate. Patients will be given the treatment while continuously using the ARV medication to ensure healthy cells are protected from infection. 

The biggest problem scientists are facing developing this induce and reduce method, is reactivating the hidden HIV without causing health complications to the subject. However, with many of the world’s top scientists working diligently towards this solution, there have already been advances in types of effective medication for identification. 

The scientists remain optimistic that the world is closer than ever to having a cure for this disease. Moving forward, the studies will progress from laboratories into clinical trials, eventually determining the applications for the rest of the infected population. 

Train Derailment in Ohio Threatens State’s Environmental Health

A massive ecological disaster is currently underway in East Palestine Ohio after a severe train derailment releases a variety of different chemicals into the environment. Scientists have been able to identify several of these chemicals released from the train cars including vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, and isobutylene. 

Health officials are on high alert because many of the harmful chemicals have been known to cause a variety of harm to human health including irritation, breathing difficulties, cancer, and eye damage. The alarm continues to rise as the full breadth of the disaster continues to unfold, raising major concerns about the severity of exposure and contamination resulting from the incident. 

After the initial derailment of the 150 car freight train occurred, authorities decided to burn some of the spilled chemicals to avoid any potential explosions. The chemical burning has sparked additional concerns regarding human and environmental health for the greater portion of eastern Ohio, as the contaminants have now been observed entering the local atmosphere and essential resources like waterways and nearby farms.  

5 Toxic Chemicals Identified Around Derailment

Residents of the Palestine Ohio area have been told it is safe to return home after the initial assessments of the impacted area, however questions still remain over the extent of exposure to the region’s resources and additional safety concerns surrounding the chemical burning. Scientists are working to determine the level of exposure to the soil, air, and water. They have already been able to identify at least 5 different contaminants released by the train derailment. 

  1. Vinyl Chloride: This compound is a known carcinogen, observable as a colorless flammable gas used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC) components. PVC is the plastic material used in many different types of packing materials, electronics, medical supplies, and construction products. Extended exposure to vinyl chloride can result in drowsiness, disorientation, extremity numbing, nausea, and eventually cancer. This chemical is also a culprit of severe eye and skin irritation, among many of the initial reports from affecting individuals. Vinyl chloride has also been recorded causing extensive liver damages to those with long term exposure able to seep into soil and pollute groundwater resources. 

  2. Butyl acrylate: This colorless liquid chemical is also used to produce various types of plastics, polymers, resins, and material coatings. Butyl acrylate is colorless with a fruity odor causing irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tracts after long exposures. 

  3. Isobutylene: A colorless gas utilized in plastic production for packing materials and resins. Exposure to isobutylene causes dizziness and headaches.The shipping company transporting this company reported in an inventory briefing that the cells carrying this chemical had no breaches, although it has still been observed in the scientist’s environmental assessment surveys. 

  4. Ethylene glycol: A synthetic compound used in components of paint, ink, hydraulic brake fluid, and antifreeze compounds. Exposure to ethylene glycol has been recorded causing irritation to eyes, skin, and upper respiratory tracts. 

  5. Ethylhexyl acrylate: This colorless liquid is used to produce plastics and polymer compounds. Any person exposed can experience irritation to their eyes and skin as well as nausea and sore throats. 

Experts Criticize Disaster Response

Most of the country has been kept in the dark regarding the massive derailment, and many experts are now highly skeptical concerning the actual response from county officials and site surveys. The derailment was overshadowed in the news by sightings of rogue balloons thought to be of Chinese origin over the continental USA, and the superbowl. As more information and public highlighting of the events happening in the Ohio town reach the rest of the country, people are demanding more cohesive explanations regarding how officials are handling the spill. 

So far the conclusions are unsure if officials have done enough to study the effects and potential concerns for immediate and long term impacts the chemical spill could pose to human and environmental health. Evidently there has been a lot of testing and safety discussions since the initial accident, however there has not been any formal reports outlining the comprehensive actions taken to address the contamination concerns and consequences. 

Other expert scientists have also drawn concerns to the potential pollutants that may have been created as a byproduct of the derailment and fire. When some of the identified chemicals are burned they can produce byproducts known as dioxins which are extremely harmful and toxic substances. 

Ohio’s Environmental Protection Agency has stated they will be continuing to monitor and survey the quality of Palestine’s air, soil, and water however they have not identified if they will also be testing for the harmful chemical byproducts adding to further criticism. 

The dioxins are heavy sticky compounds able to settle on people’s properties and tracked inside their homes, creating health hazards after being inhaled or ingested. These toxic compounds by products also do not break down easily and can sometimes persist for decades.

Environmental Damages

Initial estimates have been updated to suggest the freight train derailment is responsible for more than 44,000 animal deaths. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) estimates the deaths account for more than 38,000 minnows, plus more than 5,000 additional species that include fish, amphibians, crayfish, and macroinvertebrates. 

Shortly after the derailment officials declared it unsafe to enter waterways in the area unless prepared with specialized protective gear and equipment. Residents reported hundreds if not thousands of fish washing up on the shores of the rivers and streams further downstream from the incident, although officials have observed fish returning to the initial areas closer to where the incident happened. 

Hazardous trains are also required to be fitted with specialized automatic braking systems that would allow trains to brake faster potentially reducing the extent of damage a derailment can cause. Companies are always looking for ways to add more cars to their trains, inadvertently increasing the risk of derailment.

China Abandons Zero Covid Policy 

This past weekend, China abandoned its previous policy of fighting for zero percent of covid inflicted patients in its country. This new movement has been brought on by widespread protests, international pressures, and media highlighting the mistreatment of large portions of the country’s population. 

As China breaks down its covid barriers, many citizens are also reentering international travel centers. The world is responding with increased precautionary measures surrounding border entries. 

Public Outcry Influences Scrapping the Zero Covid Policy

As countries begin to observe increased travel from China amidst the scrapping of their strict covid lockdown measures, there have been many discussions over precautionary measures to prevent covid spikes. 

China has been experiencing severe surges in positive covid cases over the past six months, with current case numbers well over 30,000 with more than 5,000 positive cases added daily. The alarming increase in cases was partially responsible for the ambitious policy targeting a zero percentage of infection across the enormous country.

The zero covid policy consisted of extraneous lockdowns, travel restrictions, public zoning, and widespread testing mandates. Although many media outlets are blocked and restricted within the country, some videos that made it to the western world shined a light on the egregious lockdown procedures officials were enacting across Chinese cities. 

Many people were forcibly locked into their apartment buildings, grocery stores, and even taxis when officials determined there was a positive case. The public outcry began to heighten with widespread protests, international media pressure, and significant losses of lives due to unforeseen complications associated with strict lockdown measures. 

Protests Arise From Strict Lockdowns

Protests are not common in China, with its strict unitary and communist government. However, amidst many rigorous and extensive lockdown measures, protests began to gain traction in many large Chinese cities. 

Many citizens began to protest after being forcibly locked into their apartments for the 14-day quarantine period outlined by health officials like the CDC. There appear to be many instances where the people locked in the building had to struggle for food and water, as they could not access necessary resources themselves, relying entirely on government subsidies that were few and far between. 

Several recorded examples of people getting arrested after attempting to leave their apartments, and many others suffered injuries and even death in the mandated lockdowns. 

Significant protests began after a fire broke out in a locked-down apartment building in late November, killing ten people and injuring many others. This was the second major fire disaster in the nation amidst these severe lockdowns. 

The Chinese public outcries and comments on social media calling for justice, demanding to understand if the lives were lost due to the covid restrictions hampering rescue efforts. Of course, many points to the inability of fire rescue to adequately approach the 15-story high-rise where the fire began due to roadblocks and covid infrastructure at the building’s base.

Chinese covid protocols were categorized into risk levels, and it is still unknown which level of restriction this building faced at the time of the emergency. Local officials said in a statement that this block was on a low-risk enforcement level, meaning residents could leave their buildings provided they self-monitor and avoid gatherings. However, local communities around the compound shared the building had recently been placed under stricter enforcement potential making it more difficult for residents to evacuate quickly. 

Efforts to quell the fire were also hampered by cars in the parking lot with dead batteries from sitting so long, preventing the fire trucks from getting close enough to disperse water on the upper floors, which were also engulfed in flames. 

China’s New Covid Protocols

China has responded to the increasing pressures to reassess its protocols and has released new forms of restrictions to combat covid. 

  • People are no longer required to relocate to state facilities or quarantine if they or someone they have contact with test positive for covid. 

  • China has also ended its mass testing program, which means it will no longer have an accurate assessment of its ongoing cases. 

As of November, Chinese officials also released statistics that they have successfully vaccinated almost 40% of people over 80 years old with two doses of covid vaccines. These people are in the demographic for the most risk of severe covid complications. 

Precautionary Measures Applied to Chinese Flights and Tourists Across the EU and USA

Some EU countries have responded to the entrance of many Chinese tourists with mandatory testing despite controversies over its injustice and political motivations. Many argue that mandatory testing is not an effective use of resources or time due to the high vaccination rates already prevalent across Europe. 

The decision to implement testing continued, though, as there have been constant misrepresentations of current infection statistics by China and unknown information on the rise of new variants due to a lack of data. 

Chinese officials suggested that these restrictions are politically motivated and threatened to retaliate against unjust policies. 

The United States of America has also enacted its policies toward incoming travelers from China. US officials cited a need for adequate and transparent covid data for the decision to require entry tests. The decision is also backed by scientists who want to allow time to slow the disease's spread via travel and identify any potential new strains. 

The consensus is shared by many areas of the world as other countries, including Japan, Australia, India, Taiwan, and Malaysia, will require any travelers arriving from China to test negative for covid. 

How Will Traveling Look To and From China in 2023

1. Travelers entering China will no longer have to quarantine, as anyone arriving previously had to undergo a mandatory 14-day quarantine in a state facility. Some cities may still enact a form of quarantine for international and domestic travelers as their populations may be more vulnerable to the effects of covid. 

2. The EU calls for European-wide mandatory testing for all travelers from China, with many countries already enacting their policies. The USA, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia, and many more will be joining the European country's testing mandates. 

3. Many Chinese will likely be traveling this year as they have had some of the most severe and strict lockdowns during the pandemic. Many citizens will have to renew their passports as almost three years have passed since tourism was open in the country.  

4. It needs to be clarified how many cases China is currently facing and what kind of variants travelers may be spreading abroad. The scrapped mandated testing and misreporting of data have led to many inconclusive reports concerning the accuracy of covid infections. 

New Molnupiravir Covid Antiviral Treatment

Molnupiravir is a new antiviral treatment currently in Phase III of its clinical trials in the United Kingdom.

It was developed by the private company Mavenir Therapeutics and is ideal for people infected with HCV who have already completed therapy with an appropriate antiviral agent.

Molnupiravir Covid Treatment Advances In The Fight Against The Pandemic

Molnupiravir covid treatment is an antiviral drug that is effective in its treatment during the pandemic.

Early drug trials have shown a rapid onset action against the virus, and patients tolerate it well.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also approved its use for treating influenza A H1N1 virus infection in adults aged 18 years or older, including pregnant women.

Molnupiravir may also be used to treat other strains of pandemic flu viruses, including seasonal flu; however, there is currently no data from clinical trials that support this use.

Side effects from this treatment are typically mild and include headache, body aches, sore throat, cough, and fever which usually resolve within seven days after beginning treatment. The effects will become more evident as its use becomes more prevalent. However, rare cases have been reported where patients develop a severe respiratory illness such as pneumonia or death.

How Molnupiravir Covid Works To Combat The Virus

Molnupiravir is an antiviral medication given to patients twice a day for five days while infected with the omicron variant of Covid. 

The pill is taken by mouth daily and selected for patients with a higher risk of death or severe hospitalization from Covid, many with underlying ailments associated with age or other health conditions.

While early trials appeared to aid the recovery of treated patients significantly, the data still does not correlate with any significant decreases in covid associated death rates or hospital admissions. 

Side Effects Of Covid Drugs And How To Minimize The

Covid drugs can cause various side effects, some of which have been serious and others with unknown long-term consequences.

Be sure to speak with your doctor or pharmacist about any potential side effects before starting this treatment, as there are many types of recovery aids to help those outside of high-risk categories.

Side effects of the new medication can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain which should all be communicated to your primary physician. 

Some people taking the drug have also experienced changes in their mood or behavior, but any increase in anxiety or depressive symptoms should be addressed immediately by a doctor.

Make sure to notify your doctor if you are using other medications concurrently that could interact with the Covid drug(s) you are prescribed.

Consult a healthcare professional if there is unexplained weight loss or increased appetite when using this coronavirus therapy. The drug has also been shown to react differently with diabetic patients with an increased risk for hypoglycemia and low blood sugar, which may impair the body’s renal function. 

The Current Status Of Covid Treatment And Future Prospects

The current status of this new Covid treatment is highly effective against the virus, with a 95% successful recovery rate in the usual two-week recovery period.

Critics of the therapy suggest many of the unwanted side effects make this treatment undesirable for patients outside high-risk categories. 

There has been significant research in the past few years to find new and better ways to treat Covid, which may improve the success rate even more in the future, and this is just one of those treatments.

Prospects for Covid treatment are very positive as new technologies are being developed all the time.

Patient Outcomes Following Administration Of Covid Therapies

Covid antiviral treatments have resulted in a marked decrease in patients developing illness complications and death.

The use of Covid therapies has also led to a significant reduction in the spread of the virus, meaning that fewer people are affected by it at any time. The resulting decrease in the transmission is due to the shortening of the recovery period and lessening the duration of transmissible symptoms like coughing.

While some risks are still associated with using Covid therapies, these have been significantly reduced over time as researchers continue to develop new ways to prevent severe complications from the pandemic virus.

Patients who receive Covid therapy often experience faster recoveries than those patients who do not receive treatment.

Overall, patient outcomes following the administration of Covid therapies are very positive and demonstrate clear benefits for both infected individuals and society as a whole.

Lessons Learned From Molnupiravir Covid Trials

1. Antiviral treatments are not a cure-all and should always be combined with other therapies to take advantage of their potential best.

2. New, more effective antiviral treatments are being developed continuously, and patients should remain informed about available options.

3. Many different side effects can occur when taking antiviral medications, but most tend to be mild and short-term.

4. Patients need to remain as active as possible while on an antiviral medication to reduce the risk of complications from the virus or the treatment itself (i.e., build-up of drug resistance).