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What are Core Tools?
The convergence Core tools are international environmental, health & safety compliance tools developed for multinational companies with offices, retail stores and service sector operations. They include country audit checklists, legal registers and compliance calendars that can be uploaded into virtually any EHS management software system.
Each Core tool is developed and routinely updated by in-country EHS professionals, as they have real-world knowledge and experience of how requirements apply in their country. Our EHS professionals review requirements and compile the Core tools for all topics covered in this EHS scope. Each EHS professional reviews every part of their country Core tool for accuracy, even when efficiency tools such as artificial intelligence are used.
The tools are written in English and the national language in plain language to be read and understood by a non-EHS professional who may oversee EHS compliance at a site―such as an office manager or retail store clerk. Each country checklist or legal register can be customized for a site by the non-EHS professional answering a few applicability questions.
The Core tools were created with guidance from the Core Consortium, a group of multinational companies whose mission is to develop country EHS compliance tools and resources tailored for offices, retail stores and service sector operations.
A tool to check compliance to environmental, health & safety legal requirements.
A list and description of environmental, health & safety legal laws, regulations and other requirements.
An aid that identifies and describes environmental, health & safety calendaring events and their frequency.
A powerful cloud-based software platform for managing EHS compliance, audits, risk & incidents.