CORe: Surprise H&S Inspection - Use your Legal Register to be Inspection Ready

Have your company’s offices or stores ever been caught off-guard by an unexpected inspection from the Occupational Health and Safety authority? Imagine scrambling to locate key documents and records to verify compliance, only to find that many required files were incomplete or missing entirely. It’s a stressful situation.

As a CORe member, there is a smart solution to ensure you are always prepared: leverage your CORe Country H&S Legal Register as the foundation for a streamlined and organized system.

Here is how it works: Simply link all relevant records and documents from your office or store directly to the corresponding regulatory items in your H&S legal register or checklist. This transforms your legal register into a powerful compliance tool.

Benefits? Your office or store will be inspection-ready—no more last-minute searches, just a well-prepared, easy-to-access system. It's a simple yet effective solution.

Take note:

  • This approach also serves as a central repository for all site H&S documents, and provides easy access.

  • Of course, maintaining up-to-date H&S documents is essential for the long-term success of this strategy.

  • This approach works best when most or all of your H&S documents are in an electronic format.

To learn more about CORe EHS regulatory compliance tools for offices and stores, please visit Core EHS Legal Compliance Resources or contact convergence consulting at