Human Rights Violations Amidst Qatar World Cup Controversies

This year’s Fifa World Cup will be held on November 20th in Doha, Qatar, and will be the first time in the Middle East. The overall cost of hosting this year’s world cup has been estimated at upwards of $200 billion USD as Qatar has invested in creating seven new stadium venues to host the 32 teams and 64 matches spanning the games. Controversies have plagued the developmental agenda for the Doha world cup since the country began its ambitious construction on the venues 10 years ago. As it draws nearer to completion, many controversies have been at the forefront of media coverage, with allegations of human rights violations and deaths throughout the development process. 

Committing to hosting the Fifa World Cup is a complex request as the event will attract more than 1 million attendees and close to 3 billion virtual spectators. Due to Qatar’s position in the middle east and economic standing, they had to establish all new venues to accommodate the influx of tourists that will arrive later this month. The overhead cost of $200 billion USD has contributed to developing those arenas, ceremonies, workshops, press, housing, and sales. The country has enlisted the help of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers over the last 10 years; however, human rights activists have highlighted the many unsafe conditions, low pay, and faulty system trapping workers in their jobs developing the venues. 

Many migrant workers coming to Qatar are from India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. They were promised substantially increased wages compared to their home countries, although many were unaware of the Qatari employment systems and conditions they would face. The daily life of migrant workers often includes 12 hours of manual labor in temperatures upwards of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. These people were delegated to live in squalid and overcrowded worker camps on the outskirts of developments. The exploitation continued as Qatar is one of the world’s richest per capita countries. It also has many complex employment laws governing its migrant workers. 

A major injustice argued by human rights activists included the highly controversial kafala system whereby migrant workers had to sign away rights to Qatari companies to get a sponsored visa. The sponsors withheld passports, rewrote contracts, and often withheld wages. Employers also required recruitment fees to be paid by workers forcing them into debt with the companies, going months without sending money back to their families in need. Migrants were entirely helpless as the systematic laws also prevented them from leaving the country, changing jobs, or protesting as demonstrating is illegal. 

Immense pressure from the world cup administration and fans resulted in reforming and removing the kafala system towards these migrant workers in 2019. The reformation did improve their working conditions; however, two years later, it is still evident that the weak implementation of the changes still resulted in missing wages, extraneous hours, outrageous recruitment fees, and legal dilemmas for migrant workers. Amnesty groups characterize the workers' condition as a form of modern slavery, with very little rights protection outlined in contracts and virtually no freedom to unionize or gather fair wages in these developments. 
The dangerous conditions have also resulted in tens of thousands of migrant deaths over the last decade in relation to the world cup developments. Many deaths have resulted in outcries from cup supporters and fans who want to see intense reformation in the Qatari facilitation of these people. While some reformations have begun, the weak implementation by officials and lack of resources delegated to the migrant worker has not improved the overall conditions and slavery-type work. The Fifa president and governing body have urged players and fans to focus on football and not to get dragged into the ideological or political battles surrounding the location of the games. Response to their statement has garnered mixed reviews as many amnesty groups condemned the views as hypocrisy and a stark ignorance of these serious human rights issues.

Autoimmune Diseases Linked to the Black Plague

The Black Death was an unimaginable pandemic that swept through Europe in the mid-1300s, resulting in catastrophic and severe mortality of the global population at the time. The seven-year plague was responsible for up to 200 million deaths, a significantly more significant impact than the current coronavirus pandemic responsible for around less than 6.6 million deaths. Researchers studying gene mutations and modern human DNA recently discovered links between historic Black Death survivors and autoimmune diseases currently affecting millions of people.  

The significance of the Black Death’s impact at the time also coincides with a much smaller global population of around 392 million people, explaining why the plague had such an enormous impact and required centuries for the world to recover from the devastation. The plague was responsible for removing 30 to 60 percent of the European population at the time, meaning many modern humans of European descent originated from the remaining survivors. 

The enormity of the plague’s impact shaped humanity’s evolution, forcing the selection of survivable traits, which the researchers could observe in skeletal remains and descendants of the survivors. DNA analyses from the skeletons of plague survivors discovered genetic mutations that may have been the reason for greater individual survivability. The DNA study published in Nature found a series of mutations around the ERAP2 gene, equating to a 40 percent greater chance of surviving the plague for sampled individuals. 

The ERAP2 gene is responsible for generating proteins that divide and disperse invading microbes to immune system defenses, allowing it to recognize and neutralize invaders effectively. Survivors of the plague had mutations creating a high-functioning version of the gene, allowing their immune systems to overcome any infections by the deadly disease better. These plague-resistant mutations are still prevalent in today’s modern society as they were passed down through generations. However, modern-day humans may be inadvertently affected by those same high-functioning qualities of the mutations.

The massive impact the Black Death had on earlier human populations has continued to affect modern-day society, implicating descendants of survivors with damaging health consequences. Scientists discovered the increased protein production from the high-functioning gene can be linked to various autoimmune disorders like the damaging inflammatory bowel disease called Chrons. Increased protein production by the specific genes consequently has a negative implication forcing the body to damage itself in response to minor microbial invasions or even the lack thereof. The correlation of the plague’s evolutionary impact to modern autoimmune diseases is baffling but will potentially lead to discoveries regarding these diseases’ origins and treatment. 

Human DNA studies are incredibly complex as they attempt to understand many factors like mutations, environmental pressure, survivability, and inheritance. Similar consequences caused by the Black Death are improbable in the wake of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Future descendants of covid survivors will not likely need to address mutation complications because of the low significant impact on global populations and the disease’s inability to impact humans over a diverse age spectrum. Coronavirus-19 statistically has the most significant impact on older people, with deaths over 65 accounting for more than 75 percent globally.

Hurricane Ian’s Impact Lingers Amidst Climate Change Implications

Hurricane Ian quickly developed into one of the deadliest hurricanes to hit Florida since 1935, and one of the worst natural disasters in recent years for the United States. Damages from the hurricane are still being evaluated with early estimates totaling more than $60 billion USD alone in damages to infrastructure and properties. This large category 4 hurricane slammed into the Florida coast toward the end of September resulting in significant coastal damages, inland flooding, massive runoff, and large community displacements. Florida experiences many hurricanes each year, but it is now clear that the severity of the storms is increasing as they are exacerbated by the effects of climate change. 

Hurricanes are a natural aspect of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico geography, as conditions in late summer and early fall often generate cyclonic storm cells. A majority of south Florida lies at or below sea level putting many areas at increased risk for minor swells and ocean surges, regardless of storm activities. Florida has invested significant federal and state funds into coastal defense barriers like sea walls, sand dunes, foundation fortifications, and emergency aid response programs. These efforts seem to mitigate many damaging effects, but their effectiveness continues to wane as warming ocean temperatures increase the intensity of these Atlantic storm cells.

Climate change has a variety of negative effects on Earth, specifically intensifying the strength and frequency of destructive storm cell activities. Warmer coastal waters increase surface evaporation, rapidly accelerating hurricane wind speeds and the overall strength of the hurricane. Factors like warming climates, more intense storms, and continued development along the coast of at-risk regions like Florida have also increased the susceptibility of people and infrastructure to extensive storm damage. 

President Joe Biden addressed the nation after surveying the damages of the fierce storm, highlighting its similarities to many other significant natural disasters affecting other regions of the country. He indicated how climate change is responsible for many of the extensive damages caused by this storm, the fires in the midwest, and water shortages on the west coast. The increasing vulnerability of many regions affects more than the durability of the infrastructure, also implicates community health and long-term safety. 

As the aftermath of Hurricane Ian continues to be surveyed, it is clear this storm has impacted a multitude of resources, regions, and people across Florida. Many of Florida’s main waterways are now filled with contaminated pollution as a result of the upstream storm surge inundation and coastal runoff. Organic matter, chemical pollutants, and refuse washed off the land from torrential precipitation leading to additional negative environmental impacts. Environmental scientists suggest the pollution could damage aquatic ecosystems posing short-term dangers to human and resource health, while also subjecting these fragile ecosystems to additional long-term challenges. 
With the increasing intensity and frequency of storms like Hurricane Ian, similar events are likely to become more normal in the future. For at-risk regions, preparing the necessary infrastructure and response teams is vital to adequately handle estimated damages. These damages include factors impacting infrastructure, human health, environmental well-being, and long-term effects. Over the past decade, the United States has already had multiple examples of these effects as climate change continues to increase natural disaster intensities and frequencies.

Increasing Shipping Tolls to Inflate Medical Supply Costs in 2023

Increasing transit tolls for passage through the Suez Canal may result in increased costs associated with healthcare, medical products, and various other consumer industries. The Suez Canal will increase its toll rates for ships using the maritime route connecting Europe to Asia. Expected increases will begin in January of 2023, raising vessel toll rates by 15% for freighters and 10% for dry cargo and cruise ships. Amidst the ongoing pandemic conditions still affecting many regions of the world, access to affordable healthcare and medical products will inevitably succumb to increases as almost 90% of global trade is facilitated through the vital canal. 

The geographic significance of the Suez Canal places it centrally between Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Before its development essential commodities, medicine, and health supplies had to make the arduous journey around Africa’s Cape Horn. Bypassing the southern route for the Suez Canal can reduce shipping time by more than seven days and save substantial money. The decision for the increased toll rates for this vital shipping route arose as higher than average rates of vessel traffic returned amid pandemic recovery, technological advancement in vessel utilization, and continued impacts facing congested shipping ports globally. 

The Suez Canal is often described as the artery at the heart of global trade because a majority of trade is facilitated through the canal that connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea. The canal observed more than 12% of all global trade and 30% of global container traffic each year. These large shipping containers utilize the much faster route to rapidly deliver critical commercial goods, energy, medicine, and industrial components. 

As the coronavirus spread globally in early 2020, catastrophic maritime operation reductions in many ports forced freighters to opt for longer routes affecting their deliveries. The massive redirection of freighters during this time congested areas like the Suez, inadvertently forcing ships into smaller ports not designed to accommodate such a large influx of activity. The effects left medical professionals and the public without access to vital medications, tools, and equipment during a worldwide pandemic. The results of the congestion are still unraveling today, reinforced by the recent canal blockage by a cargo freighter in early 2021. The ship got stuck traversing the canal, blocking any passage by other vessels in the queue. Without an active channel to transport the ships, a gridlock of more than 100 vessels piled up on both sides of the canal, further contributing to the already delayed global trade industry. 

After the 2021 blockage was cleared and signs of the pandemic began relaxing, maritime shipping rapidly increased past former heights as countries attempted to account for the economic losses of the last few years. This rapid traffic influx forced the canal to support the passage of more than 50 vessels per day. Additional advancements in vessel utilization has greatly improved larger freighter’s overall performance, extending their transport range and volume. The canal managers are worried that without adequate funding to support the growing daily use of the route, more accidents like the blockage of 2021 will occur and contribute to future stock shortages, delays, and restricted access to healthcare tools.  

It is highly likely the health industries will face price inflation as the cost of consumer goods increase to match shipping costs. More than $1 trillion USD worth of global commerce industry goods pass through the canal each year. Potential welfare effects may impact less developed regions as healthcare costs also increase to afford inflated medical supply costs. Additional revenue generated by the 2023 toll increases is expected to reinforce the canal, prevent future blockages, and maintain increasing influxes of global traffic. Whatever changes American consumers face regarding the toll increases, the associated costs will still be more affordable than any commodity delivered via longer alternative shipping routes.

Flooding Infrastructure and Climate Change

Over the course of this year, many areas of the United States have experienced severe flooding disasters, including places like Yellowstone, Kentucky, Denver, Death Valley, St. Louis, and Dallas. These areas experienced higher than average prolonged rainfall leading to an inundation of their already weak flood infrastructure, resulting in massive water overflow and significant economic losses. Widespread flooding affects local communities by leading to displacement, damage, and death. With the ongoing climate changes already causing strengthened and more frequent natural disasters, experts agree this flooding is also connected. 

Flooding does not only occur in these large regions because of the excess rain, although that is a significant factor. Many other factors are involved in severe flooding events, and the root of the problem is the predominant lack of adequate flooding infrastructure. Most urban areas use a combination of gutters, storm drains, and underground sewers to remove excess water from street surfaces and redirect it out of the city. These systems work well when there are periodic rain storms, characteristic of the region. However, their systems begin to malfunction when extensive amounts of precipitation inundate the region over a short period. Large influxes of water into the drainage infrastructure can rapidly overwhelm sewers resulting in backflow of water, pooling in large areas of these urban areas. The water can quickly become fast-moving water sources, wreaking havoc on communities and urban centers. 

Effects of flooding from past events like the 2005 Hurricane Katrina can still be seen across Louisiana today. Floods have enormous social consequences for impacted communities and individuals by threatening loss of human life, destroying property, damaging crops, deteriorating health, and leading to increased water-borne illnesses. The long-term effects of these floods can also disrupt clean water access, wastewater management, electricity, transportation, communication, and the loss of countless livelihoods. 

Another major factor affecting the outcome of these flooding events in urban areas is the lack of natural land that would otherwise effectively absorb and redirect excess water into surrounding areas. Most cities have surface areas encased in asphalt and concrete, preventing water from seeping into ground soil below. Impermeable surfaces in large cities increase their susceptibility to flooding when there are large influxes of rain, often making flooding worse.

Many technological and wealthy countries have been investing significantly in flood forecasting and preparation, inadvertently leaving their cities without many of the critical flood infrastructure systems that would protect them from these events. The resulting lack of development has led to many instances of significant loss of life regardless of the ample warnings because the areas were not physically able to manage such large influxes of water. 

The unfortunate reality faced by many areas across the United States is that these flood prevention infrastructures, like dams, reservoirs, and storm drains, were all designed decades ago and are completely outdated. Installed systems have failed to adequately handle the increasing large precipitation events over the last decade. 

New research into natural sources of flood protection found in flood plains, forests, and wetlands discovered that protecting and restoring these threatened regions could effectively protect nearby cities from a large quantity of flooding. These efforts, updating outdated infrastructure, and better allocating development land are all ways to combat future flooding events.