Boulder, Colorado Case Study: International Day for Disaster Reduction

In 1989, the UN General Assembly designated the International Day for Disaster Reduction to promote global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction. This includes disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness. The International Day for Disaster Reduction is recognized annually on October 13.

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Leverage the “Smarter” Phone

Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous and prominent distractions in a commercial vehicle. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), using a cellphone while driving leads to 1.6 million car accidents per year. More than 40 states have addressed the dangers of mobile device usage by making texting while driving illegal. Ensuring employees are following the law while also guaranteeing the company is in compliance with OSHA standards is vital.

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Cal/OSHA with 4 Reminders - Protect Outdoor Workers From Deadly Heat This Summer

Heat exposure is a safety concern taken seriously by Cal/OSHA. High heat inspections at outdoor work sites are conducted to ensure workplace environments are in compliance with California’s heat illness prevention regulation and other workplace safety and health requirements.

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EPA's PFAS Action Plan Receives Mixed Responses

The EPA’s recently announced PFAS Action Plan is receiving mixed responses. Some groups criticize the agency for what they see as an overly cautious and delayed response to an ecological and public health crisis, while others praise the agency for its approaching of focusing on further research before jumping to enforcement.

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