Progress Continues on Africa’s “Great Green Wall”

Climate change has already been observed to have resulting impacts in many regions of the world, including rising sea levels, droughts, famine, increased natural disaster frequency, and expansion of Sahara desert-like conditions across Africa’s plains. 

The Sahara has been gradually contributing to the degradation of surrounding landscapes as global temperatures, and storms force its expansion into the Sahel region along the desert’s southern border. The Sahel region is home to more than 500 million people at a direct risk of diminishing habitable landscapes. Rising atmospheric temperatures, wind storms, and urban expansion are all to blame for the encroaching sands.

Unfortunately, as the Sahara expands southward, it is also consuming limited habitable lands, resources, and agricultural regions and subjugating its populations to increased hardships. Expert climatologists, environmentalists, and botanists gathered to develop and implement a plan to reverse the Sahara expansion and reclaim the land’s vital resources.  

The Great Green Wall Objectives

The Great Green Wall plan was originally launched in 2007 by the African Union. This enormous task involves the cooperation of 22 countries spanning more than 8,000 kilometers across the African continent. The project has been marketed as a living symbol of hope, striving to become the largest living structure on the planet by 2030. 

Foreign investments have also been involved in large aspects of the project relying on key partnerships between the African Union Commission, the Pan African Agency, and various international contributions. 

The project's overarching goals include restoring more than 100 million hectares of degraded land along the desert’s southern border. By restoring that region, the project will sequester approximately 250 million tons of carbon and create over 10 million green jobs in the Sahel region of impacted countries. 

Restore and acquire fertile land, one of Earth’s most valuable resources. 

  • Generate economic opportunities for younger generations and support those already established in the urbanizing countries. 

  • Provide food security for millions of people who are already facing struggles associated with food shortages, drought, and famine. 

  • Establish climate resilience in the key Sahara/Sahel region, where climate change has already forced temperatures to rise faster than anywhere else on Earth 

  • Create a new, natural world wonder that spans across the 8 000 kilometer region. 

With the finite plans in place and progress already well underway, many additional public campaigns have also aided fundraising efforts and overall contributions. The urgent initiative aims for a complete timeline of 2030 by instilling a global wide movement centering the Great Green Wall as a symbol of hope for impacted communities. 

The wall's completion by 2030 will have significant welfare impacts on global climate change, food security, and resource migration conflicts. Scientists hope the wall will become a lasting partnership of man and nature working together to provide resources and habitation for many generations. 

Planning The Great Green Wall

Installation for the Great Green Wall was originally planned to span from the Djibouti region in the east to Senegal in the west. The restoration area belt was expected to be approximately 15 kilometers wide, spanning the massive 8,000 kilometers across the Sahara’s southern border. 

Each of the involved countries has specific objectives attached to its section as it relates to their regional necessities. Using an integrated landscape approach has allowed local context to be applied to the wall’s development, addressing land degradation, climate change mitigations, biodiversity, and forestry efforts. Other goals slated by impacted counties include reducing erosion, creating green jobs, increasing crop yields, and improving the number of arable areas for agricultural development. 

Employee Safety Moving to Digital EHS Platforms

Recent reports by the National Safety Council (NSC) suggest environmental, health, and safety (EHS) software can significantly enhance employee safety operations, preventing severe injuries and fatalities while on the job. 

EHS software uses various platforms, mobile applications, and technologies that can be applied to virtually any workplace. The NSC report was released as it continues its Work to Zero initiative designed to eliminate workplace fatalities using technology. 

NSC Work to Zero Initiative 

The National Safety Council decided to employ a Work to Zero Initiative to prevent all workplace fatalities by the year 2050 with new incorporations of various technologies. Thousands of workers continue to die each year in the national workforce prompting experts at the NSC to innovate and solve complicated workplace safety issues. 

Experts agree that with emerging technologies, the thousands of worker fatalities can be eliminated by increasing safety protocols and protecting employees. 

The NSC approach is designed off on three guiding principles:

  • Research

    • Experts will research and analyze the most effective technologies that can solve workplace safety problems and how those technologies can be implemented in the workplace. 

  • Education

    • Education on the new technologies and their implementation will be provided to the employees and employer to ensure the correct adaptation and encourage adoption within industries. 

  • Partnerships 

    • Continue to foster stakeholder partnerships to strengthen everyone’s work, safety, implementation, and protocol. 

The critical importance of partnerships will continue to foster growth and sharing across multiple industries to achieve the zero fatality goal by 2050. With cross-industry communication and sharing, more protocols, technologies, and integration methods will positively impact employees everywhere.

Current advisory boards for the Work to Zero Initiative are actively assessing new technologies for implementation, and many experts agree the way to zero fatalities is through user-friendly mobile applications, software, and safety protocols that can be accessed at the swipe of a finger. Most of the modern workforce has access to mobile devices like cell phones, laptops, and tablets, allowing much greater access to safety technologies than ever before. 

Advantages of Software and Mobile Applications

The National Safety Council has continuously released reports analyzing new technologies and ways they can be implemented for employee safety. Their most recent report, “Managing Risks with EHS Software and Mobile Applications,” built upon earlier reports assessing mapping technologies and solutions for reducing severe workplace injuries and fatalities. 

The new white paper report discovered many advantageous reasons and ways employers can utilize EHS mobile applications and software in their work towards zero by 2050. EHS mobile applications can provide deeper safety insights by helping employees track and monitor their safety compliance while encouraging continually evolving safety procedures as companies change. Mobile delivery of safety information also allows users to be notified when updates are cataloged so they can maintain the most current safety information about their workplace. Having up-to-date delivery of new safety information will allow employers to ensure compliance with mandates and restrictions applied within their industries. 

As more users transfer to mobile software applications to acquire and reference safety materials, the cost savings for overhead expenditures will also decrease. Access and maintenance of these systems can all be completed remotely, reducing company costs and mitigating excess spending involved with employee compensation, recruitment, and illness. The final major benefit of utilizing mobile EHS software will finally allow entire companies to become streamlined in their safety protocols. The EHS software can be accessed by anyone at the company keeping employees, employers, and contractors on the same page regarding specific safety instructions. 

Benefits of EHS Mobile Application Software

  • Deeper Safety Insights

    • Employers can track, monitor, and evolve safety information by utilizing centralized EHS maintenance system data. 

  • Ensure Regulation Compliance

    • EHS platforms utilize cloud-based storage allowing users to stay up-to-date on policy modifications, specific safety instructions, and relevant policies. The easy access provided by mobile users will also ensure compliance with safety protocols among users. 

  • Cost Savings

    • Implementing EHS mobile software will mitigate any excess expenditures associated with employee compensation, recruitment, and illness. 

  • Streamlined Policy

    • Easy access to EHS software by mobile devices, laptops, and tablets will streamline safety information and provide accurate time safety alerts while in the workplace. 

While implementing new environmental, health, and safety software tools do provide outstanding benefits to the average workplace, several specific instances may conflict within the industry. 

Disadvantages of Software and Mobile Applications

Overarching disadvantages to this type of safety software do bear some difficulties for large industries that require specific customization of their EHS software, and also the limitations of developing any comprehensive EHS protocols that would apply to smaller companies. 

To ensure employees are receiving a sufficient level of technical expertise, they must be able to select software with technical support and resources to operate safely. 

Currently, the EHS software is still in earlier developmental stages, wielding only about an 8 percent adoption of artificial intelligence (A.I.) within their programming. The overwhelming consensus in the utilization aspect of EHS in the workplace by almost 67 percent agree that A.I. should be an integral focus to evolve this technology within the following year. 

After this kind of employee safety technological tool's initial rollouts, the larger industries created highly customized implementation projects to meet their needs. Smaller companies were more likely to select modular implementations that provided standard EHS protocols at a lower cost. The divergence of the two types of industry created some disadvantages as large companies must spend extended amounts of time and money to achieve adequate EHS programs that they can utilize. However, on the other side of the equation, smaller companies are forced to acquire more comprehensive programs that may not precisely fit their company’s needs but come at a more affordable cost.  

Improving EHS Workflow Through Digitization

As the EHS mobile applications and software continue to be improved and implemented across various workplaces and industries, the NSC’s goal is continually chasing zero employee fatalities over the next 25 years. It is encouraging to see many different types of EHS software being hosted by many vendors.

These EHS tools are extremely powerful and, if used correctly, can significantly limit errors, increase data solutions, streamline workflows, and protect employees worldwide.

China Abandons Zero Covid Policy 

This past weekend, China abandoned its previous policy of fighting for zero percent of covid inflicted patients in its country. This new movement has been brought on by widespread protests, international pressures, and media highlighting the mistreatment of large portions of the country’s population. 

As China breaks down its covid barriers, many citizens are also reentering international travel centers. The world is responding with increased precautionary measures surrounding border entries. 

Public Outcry Influences Scrapping the Zero Covid Policy

As countries begin to observe increased travel from China amidst the scrapping of their strict covid lockdown measures, there have been many discussions over precautionary measures to prevent covid spikes. 

China has been experiencing severe surges in positive covid cases over the past six months, with current case numbers well over 30,000 with more than 5,000 positive cases added daily. The alarming increase in cases was partially responsible for the ambitious policy targeting a zero percentage of infection across the enormous country.

The zero covid policy consisted of extraneous lockdowns, travel restrictions, public zoning, and widespread testing mandates. Although many media outlets are blocked and restricted within the country, some videos that made it to the western world shined a light on the egregious lockdown procedures officials were enacting across Chinese cities. 

Many people were forcibly locked into their apartment buildings, grocery stores, and even taxis when officials determined there was a positive case. The public outcry began to heighten with widespread protests, international media pressure, and significant losses of lives due to unforeseen complications associated with strict lockdown measures. 

Protests Arise From Strict Lockdowns

Protests are not common in China, with its strict unitary and communist government. However, amidst many rigorous and extensive lockdown measures, protests began to gain traction in many large Chinese cities. 

Many citizens began to protest after being forcibly locked into their apartments for the 14-day quarantine period outlined by health officials like the CDC. There appear to be many instances where the people locked in the building had to struggle for food and water, as they could not access necessary resources themselves, relying entirely on government subsidies that were few and far between. 

Several recorded examples of people getting arrested after attempting to leave their apartments, and many others suffered injuries and even death in the mandated lockdowns. 

Significant protests began after a fire broke out in a locked-down apartment building in late November, killing ten people and injuring many others. This was the second major fire disaster in the nation amidst these severe lockdowns. 

The Chinese public outcries and comments on social media calling for justice, demanding to understand if the lives were lost due to the covid restrictions hampering rescue efforts. Of course, many points to the inability of fire rescue to adequately approach the 15-story high-rise where the fire began due to roadblocks and covid infrastructure at the building’s base.

Chinese covid protocols were categorized into risk levels, and it is still unknown which level of restriction this building faced at the time of the emergency. Local officials said in a statement that this block was on a low-risk enforcement level, meaning residents could leave their buildings provided they self-monitor and avoid gatherings. However, local communities around the compound shared the building had recently been placed under stricter enforcement potential making it more difficult for residents to evacuate quickly. 

Efforts to quell the fire were also hampered by cars in the parking lot with dead batteries from sitting so long, preventing the fire trucks from getting close enough to disperse water on the upper floors, which were also engulfed in flames. 

China’s New Covid Protocols

China has responded to the increasing pressures to reassess its protocols and has released new forms of restrictions to combat covid. 

  • People are no longer required to relocate to state facilities or quarantine if they or someone they have contact with test positive for covid. 

  • China has also ended its mass testing program, which means it will no longer have an accurate assessment of its ongoing cases. 

As of November, Chinese officials also released statistics that they have successfully vaccinated almost 40% of people over 80 years old with two doses of covid vaccines. These people are in the demographic for the most risk of severe covid complications. 

Precautionary Measures Applied to Chinese Flights and Tourists Across the EU and USA

Some EU countries have responded to the entrance of many Chinese tourists with mandatory testing despite controversies over its injustice and political motivations. Many argue that mandatory testing is not an effective use of resources or time due to the high vaccination rates already prevalent across Europe. 

The decision to implement testing continued, though, as there have been constant misrepresentations of current infection statistics by China and unknown information on the rise of new variants due to a lack of data. 

Chinese officials suggested that these restrictions are politically motivated and threatened to retaliate against unjust policies. 

The United States of America has also enacted its policies toward incoming travelers from China. US officials cited a need for adequate and transparent covid data for the decision to require entry tests. The decision is also backed by scientists who want to allow time to slow the disease's spread via travel and identify any potential new strains. 

The consensus is shared by many areas of the world as other countries, including Japan, Australia, India, Taiwan, and Malaysia, will require any travelers arriving from China to test negative for covid. 

How Will Traveling Look To and From China in 2023

1. Travelers entering China will no longer have to quarantine, as anyone arriving previously had to undergo a mandatory 14-day quarantine in a state facility. Some cities may still enact a form of quarantine for international and domestic travelers as their populations may be more vulnerable to the effects of covid. 

2. The EU calls for European-wide mandatory testing for all travelers from China, with many countries already enacting their policies. The USA, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia, and many more will be joining the European country's testing mandates. 

3. Many Chinese will likely be traveling this year as they have had some of the most severe and strict lockdowns during the pandemic. Many citizens will have to renew their passports as almost three years have passed since tourism was open in the country.  

4. It needs to be clarified how many cases China is currently facing and what kind of variants travelers may be spreading abroad. The scrapped mandated testing and misreporting of data have led to many inconclusive reports concerning the accuracy of covid infections. 

New Molnupiravir Covid Antiviral Treatment

Molnupiravir is a new antiviral treatment currently in Phase III of its clinical trials in the United Kingdom.

It was developed by the private company Mavenir Therapeutics and is ideal for people infected with HCV who have already completed therapy with an appropriate antiviral agent.

Molnupiravir Covid Treatment Advances In The Fight Against The Pandemic

Molnupiravir covid treatment is an antiviral drug that is effective in its treatment during the pandemic.

Early drug trials have shown a rapid onset action against the virus, and patients tolerate it well.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also approved its use for treating influenza A H1N1 virus infection in adults aged 18 years or older, including pregnant women.

Molnupiravir may also be used to treat other strains of pandemic flu viruses, including seasonal flu; however, there is currently no data from clinical trials that support this use.

Side effects from this treatment are typically mild and include headache, body aches, sore throat, cough, and fever which usually resolve within seven days after beginning treatment. The effects will become more evident as its use becomes more prevalent. However, rare cases have been reported where patients develop a severe respiratory illness such as pneumonia or death.

How Molnupiravir Covid Works To Combat The Virus

Molnupiravir is an antiviral medication given to patients twice a day for five days while infected with the omicron variant of Covid. 

The pill is taken by mouth daily and selected for patients with a higher risk of death or severe hospitalization from Covid, many with underlying ailments associated with age or other health conditions.

While early trials appeared to aid the recovery of treated patients significantly, the data still does not correlate with any significant decreases in covid associated death rates or hospital admissions. 

Side Effects Of Covid Drugs And How To Minimize The

Covid drugs can cause various side effects, some of which have been serious and others with unknown long-term consequences.

Be sure to speak with your doctor or pharmacist about any potential side effects before starting this treatment, as there are many types of recovery aids to help those outside of high-risk categories.

Side effects of the new medication can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain which should all be communicated to your primary physician. 

Some people taking the drug have also experienced changes in their mood or behavior, but any increase in anxiety or depressive symptoms should be addressed immediately by a doctor.

Make sure to notify your doctor if you are using other medications concurrently that could interact with the Covid drug(s) you are prescribed.

Consult a healthcare professional if there is unexplained weight loss or increased appetite when using this coronavirus therapy. The drug has also been shown to react differently with diabetic patients with an increased risk for hypoglycemia and low blood sugar, which may impair the body’s renal function. 

The Current Status Of Covid Treatment And Future Prospects

The current status of this new Covid treatment is highly effective against the virus, with a 95% successful recovery rate in the usual two-week recovery period.

Critics of the therapy suggest many of the unwanted side effects make this treatment undesirable for patients outside high-risk categories. 

There has been significant research in the past few years to find new and better ways to treat Covid, which may improve the success rate even more in the future, and this is just one of those treatments.

Prospects for Covid treatment are very positive as new technologies are being developed all the time.

Patient Outcomes Following Administration Of Covid Therapies

Covid antiviral treatments have resulted in a marked decrease in patients developing illness complications and death.

The use of Covid therapies has also led to a significant reduction in the spread of the virus, meaning that fewer people are affected by it at any time. The resulting decrease in the transmission is due to the shortening of the recovery period and lessening the duration of transmissible symptoms like coughing.

While some risks are still associated with using Covid therapies, these have been significantly reduced over time as researchers continue to develop new ways to prevent severe complications from the pandemic virus.

Patients who receive Covid therapy often experience faster recoveries than those patients who do not receive treatment.

Overall, patient outcomes following the administration of Covid therapies are very positive and demonstrate clear benefits for both infected individuals and society as a whole.

Lessons Learned From Molnupiravir Covid Trials

1. Antiviral treatments are not a cure-all and should always be combined with other therapies to take advantage of their potential best.

2. New, more effective antiviral treatments are being developed continuously, and patients should remain informed about available options.

3. Many different side effects can occur when taking antiviral medications, but most tend to be mild and short-term.

4. Patients need to remain as active as possible while on an antiviral medication to reduce the risk of complications from the virus or the treatment itself (i.e., build-up of drug resistance).

Earth’s Future, Now With 8 Billion Humans

Humanity has long been chasing that 8 billion number for our global population. As of November 2022, we have surpassed it with only increasing trends in sight. With such a large international population and growing numbers, what kind of new stressors will be placed on the planet? 

Global warming is already a direct indicator of influence on the planet. Humans have permanently changed how we interact with Earth's natural resources, but now it's clear that the reliance on those resources will be put to the utmost test. Populations will put immense pressure on nature, forcing humans to compete with other wildlife for water, food, and materials.

The problem not only arises with the total size of the global population but also with the rapid timeline to the astronomical number. Global population sizes previously always remained below 1 billion people on the planet at any given time until the late 18th century during the time of Napoleon. Rapid growth began to influence global numbers after the start of the Second World War when more than 1 billion people were added to the global population every 12 to 15 years. Key events spurred rapid growth over the last 300 years, including the industrial revolution, medical discoveries, technology, and global commerce trade. Currently, the human population is more than double what it was in 1970, doubling in just over 50 years.

Population analyses over the last few decades also draw attention to the uneven growth experienced worldwide. China and the USA are two places where population growth has been slowly leveling. At the same time, low-income regions like Sub-Saharan Africa and India are responsible for approximately 70 percent of the world’s population increases. There are difficulties to be faced in both scenarios because with leveling population growth, fewer individuals will support the enormous economies, and exponential growth in developing countries will continue to exacerbate already strained systems. The other caveat to increased global numbers is its likelihood to influence mass migrations and conflicts and further jeopardize at-risk environments. 

Experts are forecasting slower growth trends in the future, even though the population trends have been increasing exponentially. Their conclusions draw from increased knowledge and dispersal of contraceptives and safe sex to lower-income countries. Other factors influencing level growth trends include increased women’s rights worldwide, younger generations waiting to have families, and economic pressures driving living rates through the roof for most high-income countries. These forecasts are good news for slowing global population growth. Still, the world will likely not observe decreases until the latter half of this century, as fertility rates and population deaths will be important contributors to change. 
The urgency to allocate new green energy resources before it is too late is becoming increasingly evident. Experts agree that installing sustainable energy resources for low-income countries will greatly decrease their carbon emissions by supporting increasing population demands. Other changes must also be made in high-income countries responsible for more than double the carbon emissions released by the poorest half of the world.