IAEA Releases Improved Self-Assessment Tool for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Infrastructure

On May 4, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) launched a new version of the Self-Assessment of Regulatory Infrastructure for Safety (SARIS) tool, designed to help countries determine whether their nuclear and radiation safety infrastructure meets IAEA safety standards. These standards comprise over 100 documents which outline the basics of how to establish, maintain and continuously improve nuclear and radiation safety regulatory frameworks.

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ISO 20400 Launches New Sustainability Guidelines for Supply Chains

The International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) launch of ISO 20400:2017 this April set new international guidelines for sustainable procurement. The new standard considers environmental as well social and economic sustainability in its procurement guidelines. However, while the new standard outlines how organisations can integrate efficient measures into their procurement methods, it stops short of making suggestions for changing the procurement methods themselves.

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work Encourages Reporting of Workplace Casualty Data

April 28 was the annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work, an awareness-raising campaign started by the International Labour Organization in 2003 to focus attention on occupational safety & health issues around the world. The theme of this year’s event was the need for countries to collect and report reliable OSH data, in response to Target 8.8 of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which calls for countries to report “frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, by sex and migrant status.”

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Closing the Gap Between Developed and Developing Worlds

In an interesting Ted talk by Hans Rosling, a Swedish medical doctor and statistician, Rosling observes and analyzes the family size, life expectancy, and the separation between first world countries and the developing world—starting from 1962.  Initial observation of the data captured by the United Nations showed how first world families tended to have longer lives with smaller families, whereas developing countries had relatively shorter lives with a larger family. As Rosling ascends through the years into 2003, the developing countries race to close the gap between the two worlds—becoming almost unified with the first world countries in family size and life expectancy. The data analysis ultimately shows a tight relationship connecting the rise in global health and the change in societal and economic values within a country. Watch the video here.



convergence is an environmental, health, safety and social management consultancy that specializes in multi-country (international) projects and programs.  We are able to meet our clients’ needs on a global scale while recognizing the important regional differences that our clients face in conducting business. Our country health and safety legal compliance tools for offices, retail and service sectors, known as CORE, are the foremost resource of its kind.

Convergence Continues to Provide Product Compliance—Prevents Big Fines

convergence consulting provides compliance support to one of the largest retailers in North America for the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) product compliance.  Products that make claims around control of germs, such as antimicrobial, mildew or mold resistant, or antibacterial as well as many other claims are regulated by US EPA.  If products fail to meet the federal or State regulatory requirements regarding use of the claims, it is the retailer or distributor that often faces the fines.