The following information has been collected and collated by convergence consulting in collaboration with our in-country Global Alliance Partner.  Please let us know if you have additional questions by emailing us at

1.       Does your country’s health authority have guidelines or requirements for when COVID-19 cases are classified work-related and reported as a workplace illness? 

At this time there is no guideline for reporting or classifying COVID-19  cases  as work-related illnesses. 

All known COVID-19 cases are reported and information on cases has to be exchanged between employers and employees: ( by the treating physician to local authorities. Information on Covid cases have to exchanged between employers and employees.

2.       Is there information on the timing of “return to work” and the process for a worker to return, i.e. examination by a physician, or a negative COVID test?

Workers are allowed to return to work if they are considered not be ill anymore; i.e. if they meet the criteria described below.

 The Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) has published a recommendation for discharge from the hospital or isolation of COVID-19 cases at home. The criteria for this was developed based on the technical expertise of the Robert Koch Institute, the largest public health institute in the German-speaking area. Patients who have been treated in the hospital need 2 negative tests and must have been free of symptoms for at least 48 hours in order to be discharged.  Patients who recover from COVID-19 at home - i.e. the lighter cases - are released from home quarantine at the earliest 14 days after the onset of symptoms and at least 48 hours of symptom-free after consulting the doctor in charge.

3.       Does your country’s health authority have COVID-19 mitigation guidelines for the public and/or for business?  If so, please list them below and how long they will be in place. 

There are guidelines for the public and for businesses.  Currently, the regulations in force can be

  • Social distancing:

    • In open public areas a distance of  more then a meter to other people has to be kept.

    • In enclosed  public areas a distance of more then a meter to other people has to be kept and you have to cover mouth and nose.

    • Certain limitations of number of people who stay together in the same room in shops, cinemas, theaters,  restaurants, leisure time places apply.

    • Certain limitations for mass events (public concerts, sport events,..) exist.

  • Traveling:

    • Most of the boards are still closed or some restrictions apply but the opening is expected during summer.

  • Support for business suffering consequences of COVIF 19

    • A broad variety of support measures have been put in place (mainly financial support but also loosening some legal burden)

4.       Which governmental authority issued these guidelines, and are they voluntary or mandatory?

The issuance of various guidelines/laws is somewhat complicated and dependant upon the actual circumstances; however in general it can be considered that:

Gesetz (Federal Laws) are issued via the Federal Parliament;   Verordnung (Regulations) are issued via the Governmental Ministries;   Erlass (Explanatory Decree) is issued by higher governmental authorities to subordinate authorities. All of them can be considered ultimately binding/mandatory.

5.       Do these mitigation measures have any consequence, such as, if a person does not abide by these measures must they pay a fine or go to jail?

Fines of up to 30.000 EURO (BGBl. I Nr. 12/2020) can be enforced.  Anyone who, as the owner of a permanent establishment (e.g. restaurant or a shop), does not prohibit entry commits an administrative offense and is subject to a fine of up to 30,000 Euros).

Fines may also apply for not wearing masks, entering restricted sites, violating reporting duties.  Fines can be enforced up to 3,000 Euros, and police are allowed to fine immediately those not wearing masks, standing together in groups, etc (Verordnung des Bundesministers für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz über die Einhebung von Geldstrafen mit Organstrafverfügung nach dem Epidemiegesetz 1950 und dem COVID-19-Maßnahmengesetz)

6.       Has your country adopted any laws or regulations related to COVID-19? 

A broad variety of laws have been made - see listing above in answer to question 3 -  (and the link;  Many other existing laws have also been changed/amended to account for specific COVIC-19 impacts on those laws.  For example, the Specific COVID law (2. Gesetz as discussed above) changed 20  other Austrian laws).

The data presented here is not a complete analysis of all COVID-19 information; however, our in-country Partner will provide updates as and when considered appropriate and as relevant data becomes available.  If you have any additional questions or request country information, please email us at with additional inquiries.



convergence is an environmental, health, safety and social management consultancy that specializes in multi-country (international) projects and programs.  We are able to meet our clients’ needs on a global scale while recognizing the important regional differences that our clients face in conducting business. Our country health and safety legal compliance tools for offices, retail and service sectors, known as CORE, are the foremost resource of its kind.