Why convergence?
converge (ken vurj’), v., 1. to come together at a point; to tend to meet in a point; incline towards each other. . .
The profession of "environmental management" is undergoing profound change. Increasingly, we find that additional disciplines, such as safety, health, social accountability, and sustainability, are coming together under the umbrella of what was once simply "environmental management". This trend is redefining the profession and how we do business. Our company name, convergence as well as our Celtic logo, reflect this trend; and our business model was specifically created to meet the emerging challenge of this trend and achieve expanded leverage through responding appropriately to the new consulting climate.
We Are All About Business Solutions and Business Value to Our Clients' Global Environmental, Health, Safety and Social (EHS) Challenges Through Our:
Focus on EHS management;
Specialty in global services and programs;
Coordinated value chain linking global EHS resources and experts;
Efficient and novel business model.
The Important Questions
1. Who is convergence?
convergence consulting is a firm solely focused on business solutions to global environmental, health, safety and social (EHS) challenges through effective management consulting.
2. What differentiates convergence from other consulting firms?
We exclusively provide EHS management services.
All convergence principals and alliance partners are senior-level EHS professionals. The company’s resources are completely focused on our expertise - international EHS audit and management consulting.
We specialize in global services and projects.
The company was thoughtfully structured and organized to support our multinational clients as they operate globally. We are able to meet our clients’ needs on a global scale while recognizing the important regional differences that our clients face in conducting business. We have the skill set required to conduct international projects, and the infrastructure and latest technology to ensure efficiency, consistency and seamless delivery.
The right people for the job.
convergence custom builds an interdisciplinary team for each project. Our Global Alliance (GOAL) provides convergence principals with a wealth of expertise and experience from which to build the appropriate team to meet our clients' needs. Our GOAL includes professionals from a wide range of countries, disciplines and expertise, such as accounting, public reporting and communications, web-based information management, process engineering, in-country EHS counsel and EHS2 management consultants. Our team is the right team. Our business model and structure liberates us from the business pressures to utilize internal staff on a project when they may not have the appropriate experience or expertise to perform the project to a high standard.
We use an efficient business model:
We deliver business solutions for our clients through the unique convergence approach: Communicate – Collaborate – Innovate – Deliver
Communicate: the client, with appropriate assistance from convergence, clearly defines the project’s goals and scope.
Collaborate: convergence assembles from our Global Alliance a unique team of professionals from relevant countries and disciplines suited to the specific needs of the project.
Innovate: the client obtains the creative results of collaboration with the interdisciplinary convergence team, often including project implementation and financing alternatives.
Deliver: the client receives on-time services that meet or exceed project objectives and client expectations.
Consistent senior project management.
Each convergence project is directed personally by one of the firm’s principal members, each a seasoned, internationally experienced EHS management consultant. Our clients are assured of consistent and dedicated project management throughout the duration of their project.
3. What value does convergence provide to our clients?
Through our explicit focus on business solutions, our clients rapidly achieve improved EHS performance and measurable business results. We have less overhead, less administrative distractions, less in-company politics and less internal management pressures than our large competitors. As such, rather than having to deal with internal demands, we have more time, resource and ability to focus on our clients’ needs. Through us, our clients have cost effective access to the huge potential of our extended network of highly qualified, global EHS professionals.